or These Shirts are Flockin' Great!
I know what you're thinking - I missed my true calling of being a Newspaper Dame. Good thing I've got this outlet so the world doesn't have to miss out on my bon mots.
Newly cooked up for Spring, a forest of birch trees and a spiral of crows - block printed on some cap sleeve T's for you! or a tree/bird/green/print loving friend!

Hand drawn and hand carved by me. And then hand inked and placed and printed by me. Yes folks, these were done the slooooooow way.

Above is the process of rolling the ink onto the stamp. In the upper right corner you can see our logo stamp and a couple of individual bird stamps. Below is the process of placing and pressing the tree stamp - 3 times across the front of the shirt!

Then they hang up to dry for a bit before I take my 6 little crows and ink and stamp them in various orientations and 2 different colors to create the spiral.

This process, though incredibly (and maybe foolishly) slow compared to silk screening - allows for some spontaneity in placement, and (what I think are) nice variations between prints.

Mr. Crow is on my shoulderrrrr.....!
Currently available at
Velouria in Seattle, and our
etsy shop.